To assist in the betterment, education, advancement and physical welfare of the youth in the community, particularly in cases where bereavement, sickness or family disturbances leave the children in need of assistance if they are to continue their studies.
Grant Criteria
The Fund wishes to help where death, sickness, family break up or economic hardship cause difficulty for young people and their caregivers to meet the costs of their education. Applications must be related to a young person’s education, although this term can be broadly interpreted. The Fund will not cover general tuition fees, unless there are unusual circumstances.
Types of Grants Made
Depending upon local criteria, grants may cover:
School uniforms and clothing and footwear.
Special tuition or course fees.
Text books and stationery.
Special grants especially for glasses or to help students with special needs.
Apply for a Grant
Grants are available to individuals not organisations.
Please note, additional information maybe requested.
About the Fund
The late Sir John McKenzie so appreciated the success of McKenzies stores in this country and the support given him by the people of New Zealand, that he founded the Youth Education Fund in 1938 to help deserving young people to receive education. Since its inception, thousands of young New Zealanders have received assistance.
The Fund is administered entirely by the Rotary clubs of North Harbour, Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. These clubs have a separate committee who receive and consider all applications from individuals (through Rotarians), other Rotary clubs, community organisations, school principals, ministers and social workers.
After considering the degree of hardship and seeing evidence of a degree of self-help, they distribute grants to the most deserving cases through the nearest Rotary Club, who can discuss problems and offer advice, if requested.
Applications are invited around September of each year, but can be made at any time.
Income for Distribution
The J R McKenzie Youth Education Fund is one of the trusts established by the McKenzie Family.
The income of the fund comes from dividends and interest, and an annual grant from the J R McKenzie Trust.
The J R McKenzie Trust is a philanthropic trust and provides grants totalling approximately $5 million annually to organisations working towards a socially just and inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand.
District 9910
West Auckland, North Shore to the top of the North Island
Alison Chamberlain
District 9920
Auckland and south to the Bombay Hills
Steve Corbett (secretary)
027 467 2167
District 9930
Elizabeth Dunn
District 9940
Missy Buchanan
District 9970
Christine Arnold
027 746 7425
District 9980
Grant Chirnside
021 345 507
National Secretary:
Richard Gray: 0211486221 | richardgray88@yahoo.co.nz